Una variedad de caramelos liofilizados, incluidos caramelos arcoíris liofilizados, malvaviscos liofilizados, gomitas liofilizadas, etc.
Jan 24, 2024
What is the difference between freeze dried fruits and fresh fruits?
While both freeze-dried and fresh fruits are packed full of nutrients, there are a few differences between them.
For one, the nutritional value can vary between fresh and freeze-dried because of fresh fruit’s tendency to continue ripening, which means the nutritional value within the fruit can diminish over time.
In freeze-dried fruits, though, the fruits are picked and flash-frozen at the peak of their ripeness, trapping in all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. With the exception of vitamin C, which is water-soluble, and several other nutrients found in fruit skins, much of the nutritional content remains inside the fruit when it’s freeze-dried.
While it seems that freeze-dried fruit carries more sugar than fresh fruit, this is simply not the case. The key is portion size, as you can eat multiple servings of freeze-dried fruit and not feel full like you would with a banana or apple. This means that the larger the portion of freeze-dried fruit you eat, the more sugar you’re consuming. So the trick is to watch your portions.
Freeze-dried fruits can often be cheaper than fresh because of the serving size. One apple can yield as much as two to three separate freeze-dried servings, so when you pay for the price of one package of a freeze-dried product, you may actually end up spending less for a bigger serving size.
The tastes can vary between freeze-dried fruits and fresh, too. Most freeze-dried fruits don’t hold the same scent as their fresh fruit counterparts, while some pack a punch of scent, like bananas. Depending on your personal preferences, you might favor the mild flavors of freeze-dried berries compared to the tartness of fresh. When it comes to taste, just experiment with different freeze-dried fruits to find what you like best.
Freeze-dried fruit also has a longer shelf life than fresh fruits. Some freeze-dried fruits, if packaged adequately enough, can last up to 25 years. The common range is anywhere from two to 25 years, and some even have a shelf life of 30 years. That’s a seriously long storage time when compared to fresh fruits, or even dried fruits. Because freeze-dried fruits contain as little as less than 1% of their original moisture content, this makes it ideal to store for long periods of time.
Freeze-dried can save you time when making salad and smoothie recipes. With pre-packaged varieties, all you have to do is toss it into your smoothie or salad and you’re good to go. You can even powder your freeze-dried fruits to make smoothie blending even easier.
The bottom line is that if you can eat fresh, do so, but if you’re looking at freeze-dried fruits as your most convenient options, don’t worry about the nutrient value. You’re getting all the benefits of fresh fruit — it’s just in more convenient packaging.