Una variedad de caramelos liofilizados, incluidos caramelos arcoíris liofilizados, malvaviscos liofilizados, gomitas liofilizadas, etc.
Jan 24, 2024
How to freeze dry fruit
一. Definition

Freeze-drying fruits are freeze-dried by vacuum freeze-drying method of freeze-drying machine. The water in fruits is frozen in advance and then sublimated in vacuum environment, so as to get freeze-dried fruits.
In short, remove the water from the fruit at low temperatures, retaining its original nutrients.
二. How to make
Place sliced fruit into a tray and place into a vacuum chamber under low heat. Then allow sublimation to occur.
After the water crystals on the fruit has completely dried, inspect to see if all the moisture is completely gone from the fruit. Place into an airtight container or ziplock bag and store.